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Be yourself. Be free!


Montag, 13. April 2015

Quick baked potatoes

What's better than a colorful plate on a grey day? Nothing! Well probably chocolate but let's not go into depth with that ... 


Tasty mixed salad, organge and grapefruit and stuffed potatoes! I just mixed a couple leftovers and created the best and fastest baked potato recipe I ever tried!

Stuffed Potatoes:

  • 3 midi potatoes
  • leftover grilled chicken 
  • 1|2 morzarella ball
  • 2 scallions
  • 2 sundried tomatoes
  • seasonings (salt, pepper, red bell pepper, Ruby Roast)
  1. Wash potatoes and pin with a fork
  2. Place them in the microwave for 10 minutes
  3. Cut all the other ingredients into small pieces
  4. Cut open potatoes carefully (they might be really hot) and fill with your stuffing and seasonings
  5. Place into microwafe once more for 2-3 minutes
  6. Enjoy your great meal! <3
So I also want to take the chance to tell you some more about 'Kindeskinder' as they actually create the best seasonings ever! I tagged Ruby Roast for you - the seasoning I put on almost everything I eat. Still it tastes best on a buttered piece of bread as it has such a great flavor without anything else to it! Try it - love it! Let me know if you want more RubyRoastRecipes!

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