Be yourself. Be free!

Be yourself. Be free!


Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016


It wasn't too long ago that I did not do anything at all in my kitchen but eat what my mother would set me on a plate. Today I am nearly obsessed with preparing as much food as possible in -meanwhile to be called - my kitchen. Therefore it was just a matter of time until I started to bake my own bread. I tried multiple types and I found two favorites. They did not remained only my favorites - it turned out that everyone in my family is obsessed. And by obsessed I literally mean it. I have to bake two batches most of the time because my boyfriend also wants one just for himself. Here I want to share a recipe of the joghurt carrott bread I really love - try it, love it! Let me know in the comments below if you are interested in having me post the other recipe as well.

The original recipe I found on HighFoodality!

Joghurt Bread (One giant batch):

  • 500g any type of flour (I use Whole Wheat)
  • ½ Tsp Natron
  • 1 bag baking powder
  • 150g Seeds (I use whatever I have - sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, hemp)
  • 2 Tbsp millet
  • 200g carrots ( I also tried zuccini which was awesome as well)
  • 350g Joghurt
  • 1 egg
  • seasonnings as rosemary if desired 
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C
  2. Great carrots and mix with joghurt and egg.
  3. Mix together dry ingredients only using half of the seeds and millit. 
  4. Fold in wet ingredients until you will get a firm, slightly sticky dough. (Dough shouldn't be too dry)
  5. Form a big loaf and cover slightly with water.
  6. Spread remaining seeds over the loaf and put into the oven for at least 45 minutes.
  7. Take the loaf out and knock on the bottom. If it sounds hollow your bread is all right.
Enjoy your bread while it is warm and the butter melts away on top - that is when it is best! You can still wait for it to cool and store ist in an air light container or paper bag which I prefere most ;)

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