Be yourself. Be free!

Be yourself. Be free!


Donnerstag, 17. März 2016

Spring sun, bright mood and crafting

The feeling when you wake up and the sun is up already is just not the same in spring as it is anytime else. After all these months of suffering in the grey and dark, cloudy and wet, the bitter cold freezing storms slapping your face for no reason at all - there is no better feeling than the soothing hug of a warm sunlight. You fall in love at first sight and on second you realize it is pretty cold still. This I did again this year - like I do every year - when going for a walk to have the first ice cream of the year with my bestfriend. In my ballerinas. No socks. 
No crying over here I shuld've learned my lesson last year, or even all those years before but it just feels a little more like spring in open shoes. If you are all the way honest you have to agree that spring is really overdue now in the middle of may. 

So anyways no cold can bring me down as long as the sun is up. And it was all day! So how to use all that energy - especially when I just cleaned everything when it was messy out still. So I worked out - sun right in my face - yeas I will just mention it in every single sentence - and then I got a little crafty.

Basically what I accomplished today is a project laying around for so so long now - you guessed it - I just needed a little extra motivation to start it. Basically it is not even a big deal but I was really happy about the outcome! May I inntroduce :

My sparkeling pillow backpack!

I always thought about how these backpacks are made. Like how is the chord supposed to go to make it work like the whole system is supposed to be?
Turns out there is no magic at all and actually making one of these is so simple you could bascially make them without any knowledge of sewing. Things are even on top of being simple if you use a pillow like I did.

Let me know if you are interested in a step by step introduction into the project - or any craft project in general!

... and here is my delicious froyo!

.   .   .   time you enjoy wasting is no wasted time   .   .   .

Montag, 7. März 2016

Blueberry muffins and other life goals

#125 - bake perfect muffins

In my whole entire life I've baked a ton of muffins. Healthy ones, unhealthy ones, baking mixes, homemade, cupcakes - the list goes on and on. Never did I rech the perfect muffin consistancy you know from starbucks etc. Never did I ever even get my cupcackes to grow further than the end of the muffin line. These babies I baked for my family and to take with me on competition day and look how awesome the look already! Plus: They are homemade and mostly healthy with no added sugars!

I used BakerByNature's recipe as inspiration and changed it here and there to my needs. I decited to use more oats next time to give them a little more bite :)

So now I can finally cross that off my life goals list !

... sorry for bad quality ...

Blueberry Muffins (makes 12):

  • 2 cups of any flour you would like to use
  • 1 cup oats
  • 1|2 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup applesauce
  • 1 cup soy joghurt or any joghurt you like
  • 2 eggs
  • splash of vanilla
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • a little salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1,5 cups blueberries
Whisk together all ingredients - and I actually mean all of them. No need to slowly add the wet or dry ingredients. I literally put all ingredients -except the blueberries- into a bowl while I was preheating the oven and mixed them up to a firm consistancy. Than I folded in one cup of blueberries. Devide the dough into 12 lined muffin tins. Make sure the tins are filled upo all the way to have a huge delicious muffin in the end. I used the remaining blueberries to top the muffins for a good look. As I really love the blueberry flavor I will probably use even more next time. Put into the oven at 200°C for 18 minutes and then turn down the temperature to 180°C for another 9 minutes. Let the muffins cool completely - or at least to a temperature that is good to handle, because we all know everything that comes out of the oven tastes best when still warm. Enjoy & share your muffins <3

.   .   .   you cen reach every goal   .   .   .

Samstag, 5. März 2016

Chocolate cravings and other problems -

I am not the kind of person that is into fasting at all. I never fasted and actually I think I never will. If I feel like restricting myself in any sort of food I am capable of doing this whenever I feel the need. And I actually mean I am totally capable! Once when I was on banana Island I went out for dinner with my friends to a chinese all you can eat buffet and I filled up with bananas before we went, took one on the go and all I had that night was some rose tea. So when it comes to dicipline I do not really need a special occation to go after my goals. 

So totally out of that fasting frame I recently decited to not have any Ben & Jerry's Ice cream until my birthday which is on april 15th. Usually I am very good at keeping the promises that I made to myself and I got pretty far in the game this time as well but I am just having a really bad time which could also be because I am following way too many great food bloggers on instagram... just saying.. 

As some of you may or may not noticed - B&J currently brought out some new cookie deliciousness and I AM OFF THAT STUFF RIGHT NOW. I literally feel like an addict that needs his drugs. I even drove to the supermarket to have a look at the new B&J's and luckyly they only had the usual ones. In sale. Man am I good in training my strongness.

Anyways a girl has to satisfy her cravings so I am defenitly back to anything chocolate. Literally everything works but some forms I just prefer over others. As it got harder around here so find some silken tofu I felt really lucky in finding a place to buy it from today. Finding silken tofu means vegan mousse au chocolate in my kitchen. ASAP. Since this is one of my favorite and also as simple as delicious recipes I would like to share it with you guys -

...sorry for the bad quality...

Vegan chocolate mousse (serves only as 

           many people whom you feel like sharing with ... )

  • 1 Package silken tofu
  • around 5 Dates
  • 2 - 3 Tbsp baking chocolate 
  • optional : agave syrup
All you need to do is to obviously put all ingredients into a food processor. Once you got a firm cream your mousse still needs to rest at least one hour in the fridge. The more rest it gets the more firm the texture will become. I made different experiences with different sorts of dates. If your dates are very soft and sweet you won't have to use more than 5 dates. If they are dry and less sweet it is recomented to also use a splash of agave syrup, honey or any kind of sweetener if not even a couple more dates. If your dates tend to be really dry like mine I recommend soaking them in some water first which should make it easier to handle them later. Enjoy your sweet and rich in proetin snack. <3

Please let me know if you are also interested in my vegan Mars Bar recipe whom I topped the mousse with.

.   .   .   never forget that all sides of you are your chocolate sides   .   .   .

Freitag, 4. März 2016

How to fix your broken pancake...

So this pancake story is about to turn into a deep psychological observation - you better grab a snack and take your time to think about life and the universe. Just kidding. Still there is one thing I would like to talk about with you - the one thing psycologists call resilience. Resilience basically is the word that describes the procedure of bouncing back after something bad happened to you. As I am planning on taking a seminar on this theme at work I am thinking about this topic a lot. Spoiler alert : this will become more psychotic and crazy than I actually intented it to be in the first place - BUT there will be a recipe at the happy end.

For me personally I can say that resilience is not my biggest strength. Actually at some days I am not even able to try at all - which basically shows in me crying on the floor asking why all of that always just happens to me and how I am the person who does never achieve anything while everyone is just the best at life. So as you might have noticed I am a real talent at getting up after I fell all the time - but some days I am also able to keep my shit together - no worries!

Why I want to talk about this topic though and what the heck it has to do with pancakes you want to know? 

Well for myself I was learning a lot about how a positive mind can affect your current mood and how much your current mood does affect your overall life - duh! As a bad mood is able to hurt your social life as well as your work area, most of all: your well-being, a good mood is also able to push things up a lot. So reselience is an important tool in your life to make things so much easier yet way better. To me - realizing how moody I can become and how it affects my social life was a first yet important step to building up my resilience. I am grateful to have this blog to express my emotions sort of like I could in a diary and I am greatful for all chances life gives me to build up me reilience, including the course I am hopefully gonna take at work. Maybe this post does nothing but help myself by putting my thoughts into written words but maybe even one person reads this and feels great about it which would be more than amazing.

Bringing the word back to the pancake; what I want to introduce to you today is what the internet translator would call a 'sugared pancake with raisins' - or what I would translate as the 'german traditional pancake' (even though it might be austrian, who cares?!); the Kaiserschmarrn. 

This recipe calls to make one giant pancake - a dreampancake you bake in the largest pan you have. Doesn't that sound just amazing? Right! This refers to your perfect goal you want to achieve. Once you poured all your batter into the pan it looks all good and you can already imagine your pancake on the biggest plate you own, but as soon as you try to turn it around it breakes into large pieces. Your perfect plan just got torn apart. Your pancake is broken and so is your dream. But then you look at it from a new perspective. How about cutting your giant pancake into a bunch of small ones - will they still taste amazing? They sure will! And your plans that did not work out how you wanted them to? Do they still have a chance to result in a great outcome? They sure do!

So this little - and I got to admit also wierd - connection shows us that everything happens for a reason, even if you feel like your whole world is breaking apart - try to look at it from a different angle. Same counts for relationships. You have had trouble in your relationship lately? Maybe your partner is stressed out from work. Your mom is yelling at you for no good reason? Maybe she is afraid of you growing up and leaving the house. 

I do not want to teach you to psychologically look at your life all the time. But please remember if you feel like nothing goes right - just go left...

... and turn your pancakes into a glorious Kaiserschmarrn!

Kaiserschmarren (serves 2):

  • 100g oat flour
  • 4 eggs devided
  • 1 Tbsp apple sauce
  • a dash of salt
  • 100ml sparkling water
  • 100ml almond milk
  • 1 Tsp vanilla
  1. Devide your eggs and beat the eggwhites until they are stiff.
  2. Lightly coat a large pan with coconut oil or whichever oil you like most.
  3. Mix the eggyolks with the remaining ingredients, gently folding in the eggwhite at the end. If you don't want to use sparkling water feel free to sub almond milk or just regular water - sparkling water is just going to make the dough more fluffy.
  4. Add half the dough into the pan and wait for the bottom to brown slightly.
  5. Devide your dough into four pieces which makes it easier to turn the giant pancake.
  6. Gently turn the pancake in four parts and continue cutting your pancake into small pieces.
  7. Wait until your kaiserschmarrn is fully cooked through and serve with any topping you like - I highly recomment the typical applesauce - raisin - powdered combination which is how they serve it in the german mountains!
  8. Enjoy your german pancake <3

.   .   .   take some time off for yourself   .   .   .

Mittwoch, 2. März 2016

Zucchini Protein Balls

So the thing I really like about instagram is how fast trends spread and how creative people get to give this new trend a personal touch. If you don't know what I am talking about just keep on reading as I am willing to diagress about the german trend hastaged #topfenknödelgang.

I do not really know who started it but it really took over every german foodblog on instagram immensly fast. So if you want to be an everchanging hipster in this foodblogging world - obviously you would not have waffles or pancakes for breakfast like you used to have when that was 'in style'. Speaking of pancakes... as I did not have them in such a long while I should probably start a #bringbackthepancakes asap. Anyways what seems to be the latest obsession and group activity turns out to be the one thing you've missed all life. And I do really mean that. YOU MISSED SOMETHING - now get down to it and finally have a bite of the most delicious protein power balls you'll ever try. Actually I do know that 'balls' is probably not the most proper translation but anyways it gives me the chance to think that I eventually made someone lough today - which is close enough for me ;)

Back to these #topfenknödel which would be the german equivalent - not are these heavenly delicious and nutrient dense - fitting into your macros like you were just waiting for them- no they are also sooo easy to make, which for me - hungry as soon as I wake up- makes things a lot easier.

What I was gonna say in the first place though, maybe you remember me saying it amazes me how creative people get to give this new trend a personal touch, is how I like what people are doing to the original recipe. There are so many variations, I really don't even know the original recipe. You can put almost everything into the center of these delicious balls or around them, plus can even vary the ingredients of the surrounding - which is what I did. Viola here you have my secret recipe on how I added more volume and removed some of the carbs to these goddesses (If that's the correct plural form..). 

I am introducing to you my Zuccini Topfenknödel or short #zopfenknödel 

Proteinballs (Serves 1):

  • 200g low fat greek joghurt
  • 40g oats
  • 60g grated zucchini
  • 1 sccop (30g) protein powder
  • 1 egg
  • anything you like for stuffing - I was using raspberries
  • coconut or what you like for coating
  1. Mix all ingredients except your stuffing and coating. Make sure you drain your zucchini first pressing out as much of the liquid as possible.
  2. Set aside to let the mixture bond a little.
  3. Meanwhile bring water to a boil in a small saucepan.
  4. Cover your hands slightly with water so it's easier to form the balls.
  5. Put the stuffing into the center of the ball and fully cover it.
  6. Let the balls slip into the boiling water and wait for them to swim on top.
  7. Slowly remove them fom the water and immedeatly roll in your coating.
  8. Serve warm or cold with anything you would like to have it with - I also ate a serving of coconut yogurt aside!
  9. Enjoy your creative, clean breakfast <3